We are shoemakers, as our father was, and his father before him. It’s in our blood. We have known it our entire lives. I still remember when my dad first took us to visit the factory – the sound of whirling sewing machines, and the smacks of hammers filled the air while men and women carefully packaged the polished shoes into their new green boxes.
Pascual, my father, learned shoemaking from my grandfather at a young age. It is an exacting craft not suited for the impatient. He thrived on its precise nature and the satisfaction of turning a sketch into a gentleman’s favorite pair of shoes. Pascual’s drive for perfection motivated him to become head designer before turning 20-years old. Under his leadership and fueled with a passion for creating a line of shoes more elegant and luxurious than ever before, Pascual rebranded the company under a new name, Magnanni.